Burmese Agarwood Oil
The name of this type of Agarwood is related to the location of its extraction, from Burma which have a lot of Agarwood trees. The Burmese Agarwood oil is characterized by its unique and pleasant aroma with a special notes that identifies it from other types of Agarwood oil.
Burmese Agarwood has a great fans in the Arabic region. This type is high quality and unique with a pleasant long-lasting smell that distinguished it from the others types of Agarwood oil and made it favorable for both male and female.
Burmese Agarwood is available in its old-fashioned type of high quality. Burmese agarwood oil is exported to the Gulf countries, China, Taiwan, and Japan at very cheap prices.
Burmese Agarwood oil price
The price of Burmese Agarwood oil changes according to its different levels and usually, its price is high compared to other types of Agarwood oil due to its rarity and scarcity of availability in the market.